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LR Box based question

 Q). A certain number of boxes are placed one above the other. Each box contains different precious stones / metals. The following information is known about them. 

Box L is placed three boxes above the box which contains Rubies. Box K is placed five boxes away from box L. The box which contains Platinum is placed four boxes above box 1. Box 1 is placed either immediately above or immediately below box L. Box 1 contains either Gold or Diamonds. The box which contains Emeralds is placed exactly between the box which contains Platinum and box K. Box R is placed five boxes away from box L. The number of boxes placed between the box which contains Platinum and box It is the same as the number of boxes placed above box T. Box T is placed three boxes away from box 1. The box which contains Gold is placed three boxes above box 

K. The number of boxes placed above the box which contains Gold is one more than the number of boxes placed below box R.

1. How many boxes are placed after the final arrangement? 

2. Which box is placed seven boxes below the box which contains Platinum? 

3. How many boxes are placed between boxes T and R? 

4. Which of the boxes contains Diamond? 

5. How many boxes are placed below box R? 

6. Which of the following statements is/are definitely true? 

 i. Box L is placed below the box which contains ruby.

 ii. Box T is placed immediately below the box which contains Platinum.

 iii. Box K is placed immediately below the box which contains Emerald.

 iv. Box 1 contains Diamonds. 

 v. More than one is true. 


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