Exam Motivation | Need of the hour ! The Hope

 Harvard University's renowned scientist Kurt Richter did a strange research on rats in the 
1950 s.

Cord filled a jar with water and threw a rat in it.

The rat started stirring as he fell into the jar full of water.

Pushing to get out of the jar.

After a few minutes of fluttering, the rat poured his weapon and drowned in that jar.

Kurt did a little change in his research at that time.

They put a rat in a jar full of water. The rat started pushing to come out of the jar.

That time the rat stopped pushing and was about to drown......

Same time the cord took that rat out of the mouth of death.

Kurd took the rat out of the jar exactly the moment he was on the verge of drowning.

Kurt got the rat out and stabbed him......

Kept him out of the jar for a while and then threw him back in the jar.

The rat thrown in the jar full of water again started the struggle to get out of the jar.

But after being thrown back in the water, the rat was seen with some changes that even Kurt himself was surprised to see.

Kurt was thinking the rat would struggle barely for 15 minutes and then his physical ability would respond and drown in the jar.

But it didn't happen.

The rat kept swimming in the jar.

Kept struggling to save lives.

60 hours.......

Yes..... Rat struggled to save his life in a water jar for 60 hours.

Kurt was surprised to see this.

The rat that had already put his weapon in front of the circumstances in 15 minutes........

The same rat was battling the circumstances for 60 hours and was not ready to give up.

Kurt gave this research a name and it was.......

" The HOPE experiment".....! 

Hope........ means hope.

Kurt explains the research conclusion when the rat was first thrown into the jar.....

He reached the verge of drowning.....

At the same time he was kicked out of the mouth of death. He was given new life.

At that time, ′′ hope ′′ was communicated in the mind of the rat. She felt that there was a hand that could get her out of the worst situation.

The rat struggled for 60 hours when he was thrown into the jar again.......

The reason was that hand......

The reason was that hope......

That hope was the reason.

Keep hope in this exam time.

Keep on struggling.

Don't let the breath break.

Don't let your mind lose.

The hand that threw us into this water jar will safely take us out of this water jar.

Trust that hand.

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