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LR puzzle

 Q)In Year 2016, seven persons viz. P, Q R, 5, T, V and W donated some money to a charitable trust on different months of the year starting from January and ending on November. Some of them are females and some of them are male. Their contribution, (in rupees) are - 5000, 500, 40, 1600, 80, 40 and 2500. V made his donation in June. Two donations were made between the donations made by V and P. On the first month of the year, a male made a contribution of 5000 rupees. 5 did not make her donation on a month after the donation of Q. None of the given person made his contribution in a month which has 28 days. There are two such cases where the difference in the number of days of the months of two successive donations is zero. In one such case, the months are consecutive months of the year. The contribution of Rs 500 was made in November month. The sum of contributions of W and Q is equal to that of S. Contribution by a female is always preceded and succeeded by the contribution of a male. Tis the only female who cannot be succeeded by anyone. P is the only male which is followed by another male. Only one donation is made between the donations made by T and S. The donation of the male who donated his money on June is the perfect square of the donation made on August. The donation by T is not made on the month immediately before or immediately after the month when V made his donation (considering only those months in which the donations were made.) R donated money immediately before W. Only three persons made their contribution in a month which has 31 days. 


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  2. SOLUTION - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pbo5RyFCgE8CcycZeI1QK8YC-UC6-b8Vfn0NKpcbWhw/edit?usp=sharing


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