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LR Arrangement Linear

Q). Eight friends Sundar, Ali, Pratik, Mukul, Madhu, Alisha, Meghna and George go together for a movie. They have taken the tickets of two rows A and B having four chairs in each row. Row A' is just in front of the row 'B'. The following conditions are applicable. I. Ali and Pratik do not want to sit in the same row or column. II. The person who is second from the left in the front row is adjacent to the person who is just in front of George. III. Mukul always wants to sit with the person who is just in front of Madhu. IV. The person who is at the extreme corner of the front row is adjacent to Alisha. to sit immediately beside Alisha. V. Sundar sits to the extreme left corner. VI. Meghna, who is adjacent to Mukul, does not want to sit beside Alisha. VII. Ali and Sundar do not want to sit in the same row with the person who is to immediate right of Alisha. 

For Answer Email us at decode.entrance.exam@gmail.com  

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