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LR puzzle 2

 Six friends Abhishek, Deepak, Mridul, Pritam, Ranjan and Salil married within a year in the months of February, April, July, September, November and December and in the cities of Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata, but not necessarily following the above order. The brides' names were Geetika, Jasmine, Hema, Brinda, Ipsita and Veena, once again not following any order. The following are some facts about their weddings. 

I. Mridul's wedding took place in Chennai, however he was not married to Geetika or Veena 

II. Abhishek's wedding took place in Ahmedabad and Ranjan's in Delhi; however, neither of them was married to Jasmine or Brinda 

III. The wedding in Kolkata took place in February

IV. Hema's wedding took place in April, but not in Ahmedabad 

V. Geetika and Ipsita got married in February and November and in Chennai and Kolkata but not following the above order 

VI. Pritam visited Bengaluru and Kolkata only after his marriage in December VII. Salil was married to Jasmine to September.


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