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Surds Quants question


When we can't simplify a number to remove a square root (or cube root etc) then it is a surd.

Example: √2 (square root of 2) can't be simplified further so it is a surd

Example: √4 (square root of 4) can be simplified (to 2), so it is not a surd!


If x =  and y = , then what is the value of x2 + xy + y2?


A. 99

B. 95

C. 90

D. 85

E. 81



We have to find 
First we calculate 
We first rationalize the denominator  by multiply and divide by 
we get,

Simplify, we get,

Thus, squaring both side we get,

using algebraic identity  , we have,

Similarly, for 
We first rationalize the denominator  by multiply and divide by 
we get,

Simplify, we get,

using algebraic identity  , we have,

Simplify , we get,
x2 + xy + y2

= (5 - 2)2 + (5 - 2)(5 + 2) + (5 + 2)2
= 25 + 24 - 20 + 25 - 24 + 25 + 24 + 20
= 50 + 48 + 1
= 99

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